Northern Light Southern Skies: Solo exhibition by Christian Cravo

The exhibition marks the beginning of the representation between the artist and BABEL SP, opening on November 17, 2020. In the black and white images, Christian captures the spontaneity of children, life by the sea, religiosity and the sensuality present in the streets. This was his first work, carried out between 1991 and 1993, and will be exhibited, for the first time, in São Paulo. The exhibition brings together 30 images selected from large (100 x 150 cm), medium and small formats. Christian spent his childhood and adolescence between Brazil and Denmark, made these records between 17 and 19 years of age, a period he spent with his father in Bahia, after 10 years living in Europe. 

BABEL SP apresenta "Northern Light Southern Skies". Após apresentar a África em seu último trabalho, intitulado “Luz e Sombra”, Christian revisita o passado e traz de volta imagens da Salvador que lhe surpreendera, quando saiu de Copenhague disposto a morar no Brasil. Imagens de uma cidade tropical, mestiça, ao mesmo tempo singular e plural. A exposição marca o início da representação entre o artista e a BABEL SP, que recebe a exposição a partir de 17 de novembro 2020. Nas imagens em preto e branco, Christian capta a espontaneidade de crianças, a vida perto do mar, a religiosidade e a sensualidade presente nas ruas. Este foi seu primeiro trabalho, realizado entre 1991 e 1993, e será exposto, pela primeira vez, em São Paulo. A exposição reúne 30 imagens selecionadas entre grandes (100 x 150 cm), médias e pequenos formatos. Christian passou a infância e a adolescência entre o Brasil e a Dinamarca, fez estes registros entre os 17 e 19 anos de idade, período que passou com o pai na Bahia, após 10 anos vivendo na Europa. “A exposição Northern Light, Southern Skies é fruto de uma etapa do proceso criativo que faz parte da auto-critica do artista; a releitura contemporânea do seu acervo. Revisitar é revigorar e refletir. Neste caso, o trabalho feito em sua maior parte entre os anos de 1991 e 1995, recém vindo da Europa ao Brasil que havia deixado ainda criança”, comenta.

BABEL SP presents "Northern Light Southern Skies". After presenting Africa in his latest work, entitled “Luz e Sombra”, Christian revisits the past and brings back images of Salvador that had surprised him when he left Copenhagen ready to live in Brazil. Images of a tropical, mestizo city, both singular and plural. The exhibition marks the beginning of the representation between the artist and BABEL SP, opening on November 17, 2020. In the black and white images, Christian captures the spontaneity of children, life by the sea, religiosity and the sensuality present in the streets. This was his first work, carried out between 1991 and 1993, and will be exhibited, for the first time, in São Paulo. The exhibition brings together 30 images selected from large (100 x 150 cm), medium and small formats. Christian spent his childhood and adolescence between Brazil and Denmark, made these records between 17 and 19 years of age, a period he spent with his father in Bahia, after 10 years living in Europe. “The Northern Light, Southern Skies exhibition is the result of a stage in the creative process that is part of the artist's self-criticism; the contemporary reinterpretation of its collection. To revisit is to invigorate and reflect. In this case, the work done mostly between 1991 and 1995, recently coming from Europe to Brazil that he had left as a child ”, he comments.